News & Announcements

Juniper Tree’s Inventory is Growing!

Posted on April 3, 2017

By The Juniper Tree Team

Our craft supply inventory has grown! New colors of merino roving for felting projects, more gorgeous colors of Malabrigo yarn, and silk dying kits. Did you know we carry silk, organza and satin ribbons by the yard to make May Day crowns? We also carry leather cording and velvet ribbon by the yard.

We’re stocking up for summer projects and road trips games! And we’re adding new sale items to the table on the porch every week! Hope to see you!


“My son started at Austin Waldorf in the 9th grade. He came from public school but was very excited about the change. The high school campout was the best thing that could have ever happened for my son. He formed very tight bonds over those days and truly began to feel like part of the family.”